The BOOK, not the movie.
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest real quick.
*clears throat*
Anyway, if you haven’t read this book, do it now. Don’t even read this blog. Just read the book. Kidding… sort of. But, for real. Read this book, because it will change your life.
I am BIG into books (and shows) that make you think about extreme situations. In the spare time I do not have, I started watching The Man in the High Castle (anxiously waiting for Christmas because I asked Santa for the book) and it has me thinking about so many things I never would have. (10/10 would recommend ya’ll watch this show – better yet, let’s all read the book).
But what was I saying? Oh yeah, My Sister’s Keeper.
It was a running challenge in our house to experience “firsts” with books. My mom and sister were determined to find a book that would make me cry, and me, being the stubborn child I was/am, insisted that a book could never make me cry. GUYS – I was dead wrong.
This is the first book to EVER make me cry. I remember getting to the final scenes/chapters in the novel and just bawling. I was probably 13-14 when I read it. I remember putting the book down and running into my moms room and just looking at her like ‘what kind of monster made me read this book???’
I fell in love with the story for many reasons:
I could see myself in Anna because I was the youngest and often felt “not seen or heard” growing up. Obviously for many different reasons, but ya know.
I was always extremely close – practically like twins – with my sister. I imagined what I would do if I were in Anna’s situation with my own sister. How would I feel if I was produced in order to save her life? Would I fight for my rights? Could I be that brave?
The disfunction. Every family has it and this family REALLY has it. I love that. A lot of times it’s overlooked how complex families can be. The brother’s story is so unique and completely dismissed in the movie. It’s extremely important what all happens in a family outside of one child being sick. The mental health and stability of the other children is just as important. This really mattered to me and I love that Jodi Picoult gave such depth to this story.
I will say, I was extremely excited when they made this a movie, and even more so when they cast Abigail Breslin. She was the perfect fit for Anna. But if ya’ll can’t tell… I was beyond disappointed in the theatrical display of this story.
This book reaches your soul on a whole different level. It’s moving and thrilling and depressing. It will make you scream and cry and laugh. Jodi Picoult is never disappointing, but this is one of her masterpieces that everyone should experience. It’ll change your life.
It changed mine.